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Night Fishing- By Whitefish

Night fishing can be tiring and brutal, but it is often very rewarding. Here are 5 steps to make sure your night fishing trip goes well and has a worth while outcome.

1. Know the fishing site - Nothing is worse than getting snagged at a new lake, it's hard to learn where and where not to cast, where the snags are, and where there just plain aren't any fish. Imagine trying to do this at night.

2. Learn what type of lures or bait the fish will bite - Going fishing at a new lake can be a fun, exciting experience. You get to test new lures and baits, you get to see what works and what doesn't. It takes some time, but in the end it is worth while. Trying to learn all this at night could take all night, and thus, making it just as worthwhile as fishing during the day.

3. Be prepared - Before you leave for your night, make sure you have everything you need in ready to go. Make sure you have: Extra rod or reel, hooks, weights, lures, floats, etc. Nothing is worse than a middle of the night run back into town for more supplies.

4. Bring other necessities - Night fishing is alot like camping, when I go I am always sure to bring a chair, warm clothes, a blanket, firewood and matches, snacks, and at least 1 meal. A lantern/flashlight is a MUST, it is good to bring a tent if you plan on staying for several nights, a mid-day nap is always refreshing.

5. Be safe - I always suggest bringing a friend along, not only for company but for saftey. At night there is always the added danger of falling into holes, tripping on limbs, or even falling into the water. Two people are not likely to both fall into holes, or be injured, so if one person gets injured, there is still someone there to care for their injury, or, if needed, go for help.

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